【英语趣味课堂】厄瓜多尔的食物-Ecuadorian Food(在线收听


That was so important for Europe, during the famine in Europe.
A 'famine' is when there is little or no food for a population. A famine can happen when there is a problem growing or producing food or when a group of people can't receive available food for some reason.
Notice the following:
This famine has caused quite a crisis. 
The famine caused many people to lose their lives. 
You have to mature the cheese.
When you 'mature' something like wine or cheese you let it sit for a period of time so that it tastes better. We can use this also to talk about fruit that becomes ready to eat. A person is mature when they act in a way that is typical of someone older.
Notice the following:
She is very sensible and mature for her age.
These strawberries are not mature enough to pick yet. 
No kidding
No kidding! Wow!
'No kidding' is a phrase used to show that you are surprised or you can't believe what you have just found out. 
Notice the following:
No kidding! I have won the lottery!
You just bought a new car? No kidding!
No, no! That's embarrassing.
We feel 'embarrassed' when we do something foolish or make a mistake. Sometimes when you are embarrassed your face becomes red and hot. Something that makes us feel embarrassed is 'embarrassing.' 
Notice the following:
I can't believe I dropped my plate. I am so embarrassed. 
It is embarrassing that I forgot his birthday two years in a row. 
In Quito you have maybe two or three different Japanese restaurants. All of them very upscale at least.
An 'upscale' restaurant is of a higher class and usually quite expensive. 
Notice the following:
The hotel is very upscale. 
The whole city has been upgraded and is upscale now. It looks great!