【英语趣味课堂】完美的一天-The Perfect Day(在线收听

Yeah, I think I'm gonna talk about what I would consider a perfect day. Ah, of course, that day wouldn't be a working day. It would be a day off and it would have some of my favorite things in life which would be like eating, relaxing, and playing sports. So you know, the day would start off with me sleeping in till about 9 or 10 o'clock. You know, get up, make myself a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, or something like that, maybe grapefruit juice. Pick up the daily paper and read it for awhile. After that's done, you know, I'd probably get ready and just drop in to a friend's place, you know, drop by, unannounced. No planned meeting or anything like that. You know, hang out at my friend's place, you know, chat, talk about, you know, probably talk about where to have lunch, you know, since I love eating, I'd have to go out for lunch, you know, probably somewhere where there is a patio or a nice place to eat outside or do some serious people watching. 


day off


My perfect day would be a day off with some of my favorite things in life, like eating, relaxing, and sports. 


When you have a 'day off,' it means that you don't have to go to work or school.  Notice the following:


When is your day off this week?

Thursdays are usually my day off.

start off or sleeping in


The day would start off with me sleeping in till about 9 or 10 o'clock. 


The way something 'starts off' is the way it begins.  If you 'sleep in,' you sleep later than usual. Notice the following:


I'll try to be quite in the morning so you can sleep in.

I have to start off my day with coffee.

daily paper


I would pick up the daily paper and read it for a while. 


Your 'daily paper' is a newspaper that you receive every day.  Notice the following:


Do you get the daily paper or only on the weekends?

There will be a photograph of our team in the daily paper on Wednesday.

drop by unannounced


After that, I'd probably get ready and just drop in to a friend's place, you know, drop by unannounced. out 


If you 'drop by a place unannounced,' it means that you go there without telling the person that you are coming.  Notice the following:


You can drop by unannounced whenever you're in the area.

I hate it when they drop by unannounced.

do some serious people watching


I'd go someplace where there is a nice place to eat outside or do some serious people watching. 


When you 'do some people watching,' you go to a place to look at people and see what they are doing.  You are watching them for entertainment.  Notice the following:


I prefer to go to the mall to do some people watching, rather than go shopping.

The airport is a great place to do some people watching.
