英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0526 - 当博物馆遇上熊孩纸(在线收听

Topic 1-Museums becoming playgrounds for children
There are growing concerns that some Chinese museums are in danger of becoming playgrounds for unruly children, sometimes even encouraged by parents.
Topic 2-How Can China Inspire a Craftsman's Spirit
Many Chinese tourists love to buy foreign manufactured goods such as German nail cutters and Japanese toilet seats. Is it because of a lack of craftsman’s spirit 工匠精神in our Chinese products that’s pushing consumers to other alternatives?
Topic 3-Man killed after trying to take selfie with a walrus at Liaoning zoo.
A visitor to a zoo in Liaoning province was killed last week after a walrus 海象decided that instead of taking a selfie, it wanted to play in the pool. The animal drowned the man in the pool.