【英语趣味课堂】欧洲旅行-European Vacation(在线收听

 Todd: So, Steven, you're from Europe, you're from England. (Yep) Have you travelled much in England? I'm sorry, have you travelled much in Europe?
Steven: Ah, yes I have, yeah. Um, when I was 18 and 20 I travelled all around Europe by train.
Todd: Oh, wow, sounds fun.
Steven: Ah, it's great, so basically backpacking, but going between countries by train with some friends. I travelled with some friends, so you can buy one ticket. It's called an interrail ticket and you can visit any country in Europe using this one ticket. They last, well, the ticket I had lasted one month.
Todd: That's a good deal.
Steven: So, we went to France and we travelled to Italy and then we went down to some Greek islands. Also we went to Amsterdam in Holland.
Todd: Wow! What did you do in France?
Steven: In France we were on the South Coast, South of France. What did we do? Well, really we spent our time on the beach mainly playing water sports on the beach and just sunbathing and relaxing. (Cool) That kind of thing. Yep.
Todd: Ah, did you make it to Sardegna?
Steven: Sardegna...no
Todd: Or Corsica? I'm sorry.
Steven: No, no we didn't. Nope.
Todd: Oh, really.
Steven: Um, I think my favorite city was probably Florence in Italy.
Todd: Oh, OK.
Steven: We were lucky, We met some students, some British students who was studying Italian, and they had their own apartment on the hills, one of the hills in Florence, and they invited us to their apartment, so we stayed with them, and they had, they had built up some local knowledge. They knew about some local restaurants so they took us to a very traditional, whatchucallem, piatza, uh pizza restaurant, pizze, pizzu (Pizzeria!) Thank you. Yes. Um, and I think it was the best pizza I've ever had. It was wonderful.
Todd: I'm hungry now too.
Steven: And they even took us to a communist festival, which was in the mountain and we played five a side football, at a communist festival which was quite a unique experience.
Todd: How bizarre. How bizarre.
Steven: After some tequila. It was great.
Todd: So, Florence was your favorite city. Was Italy you're favorite country?
Steven: Ah, I think so. I love the Tuscany area. Yeah, it's absolutely beautiful. Hard to beat.
Todd: Well, wish I could do it again.

