
looking good was, which I thought was not good at all, but I know they were taking it because they thought bigger was better kind of thing, but yeah.
Todd: Now they know, all these things it can do to your body. It can give you cancer.
Wendi: Yeah. Yeah.
Todd: I mean, so it's the same thing with the implants that you were talking about earlier. Why would you do anything to your body that could be such a risk? I mean, it's just not worth the risk.
Wendi: But I guess that's not the perspective because like, it's all about right now is the moment and people don't really think of life as being like, like something that comes and goes. Like your life is your life and it's like it's here and it's here forever kind of and I don't think that people really put it into perspective, like actually like in the blink of an eye it can all be gone.
Todd: Rigth. Which is true. In a blink of an eye it all can be gone.
Wendi: Yeah, it all can be gone incredibly easy.