
Todd: Hello. 
Phil: Hello. Good morning. 
Todd: Hi. I don't think we've met. My name's Todd. 
Phil: Oh, nice to meet you. My name's Phil. I'm from England. 
Todd: Oh, hey Phil, I'm from the states. I've noticed you in the building. How long have you lived here? 
Phil: I've lived here for six months actually. 
Todd: Oh, really. 
Phil: Yeah. 
Todd: Well, I've been here for two months and I don't think , you know, we've haven't met yet, so. 
Phil: I guess we're always busy at work. I never see you. 
Todd: Right. Right. Now, do you live on the fourth floor? 
Phil: Yeah, yeah. I live actually quite near to your room, just right around the corner. 
Todd: Oh, really. What room number are you? 
Phil: I'm 443. 
Todd: Ah, OK. Actually, I'm 430, so. 
Phil: I'm lucky my room's at the end of the corridor so it's really quiet. 
Todd: Yeah, you know, I was wondering though, at night I do my laundry sometimes and the laundry room is near your room and it makes a lot of noise. Does it keep you up at night? 
Phil: I've never heard it to be honest. Maybe I'm a really good sleeper. 
Todd: Oh, good. 
Phil: I never hear it. 
Todd: So, what do you do? 
Phil: I'm an English teacher near here. 
Todd: Oh, really, actually so am I. 
Phil: Oh, really. I only teach junior high school, so quite young children. 
Todd: Ah, that's cool. I'm the opposite. I teach mainly university students. 
Phil: Oh, OK, yeah. Junior high school students are really good but, quite often they like to sleep in the lesson. Maybe, I'm just a boring teacher. I don't know. 
Todd: Nah, nah. I think it's just cause when they're young kids. Yeah, the university kids are nice, but I think you have a lot more holidays though. 
Phil: Yeah, that's true. Recently, I had five weeks summer vacation. I was really lucky. 
Todd: I'm jealous. That's nice. Hey, so what do you think of the building that we live in? 
Phil: Actually, I really like it. The rooms are quite small. The atmosphere, everyone is so friendly, and I get to meet people from all over the world and talk to them in different languages if I can and it's really interesting. 
Todd: Yeah, I agree. I really like living here. I mean, you know sometimes, I like to be by myself, you know, but I have to admit, I really like having so many people that you can talk to in the building. 
Phil: Yeah, it's really nice and there's really good places to prepare food and everything is really clean and nice so it's a really nice place to live. 
Todd: How much longer do you think you're going to stay? 
Phil: My contract is for another six months here, so I will stay that long and then maybe longer, I'm not sure. 
Todd: OK, well, anyway it was nice to meet you. 
Phil: Oh, yeah, nice to meet you, too.