【英语趣味课堂】好地方-Great Places(在线收听

Todd: OK, now Keren, Hello.
Keren: Hello.
Todd: I thought we would talk about travelling. Now you've travelled to many places, many continents.
Keren: Yes.
Todd: Can you talk about some of the places you've been to.
Keren: Yes. First of all, I spent about four and a half months in Australia. I suppose the most amazing place I went to there was Uluru.
Todd: Uluru.
Keren: Ayers Rock. And it's just an incredible place which is... the land is very barren and very red and the sky is very blue and it's just beautiful.
Todd: Wow, And what's it called again?
Keren: Uluru.
Todd: Uluru. OK, besides there, anywhere else?
Keren: I've also been to South America. I spent a year in Peru and while I was there I went to Machu Picchu.
Todd: Machu Picchu. What is Machu Picchu?
Keren: Machu Picchu is an ancient ruin of an old Inca town.
Todd: Do you know how old it is?
Keren: Probably about seven hundred, eight hundred years old, I think. It's not actually that old.
Todd: Oh, really.
Keren: Really.
Todd: Huh! That's interesting.
Keren: Yeah.
Todd: OK, any other places?
Keren: I spent quite a lot of time in Spain and the most interesting place I went there was Granada.
Todd: Granada.
Keren: Yeah.
Todd: OK, what's in Granada?
Keren: The Alhambra which is the old Muslim capitol of Spain. And it's an amazing old town with Muslim palaces.
Todd: And there is just one palace or is there many, many palaces?
Keren: There is many, many ruins and there's a lot to do. You can spend the whole day there walking around the different old buildings that were built in different times.
Todd: Very cool. So, you've seen something in Australia, in South America, in Europe, how about Asia?
Keren: Asia. I've been to Japan and Thailand and Malaysia and Singapore.
Todd: And what is you favorite place in Asia?
Keren: Hm. It's a difficult question. I liked Hokkaido.