世界节假日博览 第118期:世界音乐日(在线收听

 World Music Day is on June the 21st. It is actually known as the Fete de la Musique, because it began in France. In 1976, an American musician, Joel Cohen, suggested the idea of an all-night music celebration. He wanted the festival to take place on the longest day of the year, the summer solstice. His idea was adopted in France in 1982. It quickly spread to over one hundred cities around the world. The idea behind World Music Day is to promote music. This happens in two different ways. People play their music and perform, or busk, in the streets. These buskers can be professional or amateur musicians. The second way is to hold free concerts. These are free for concert-goers and free for organizers the artists receive no fee.

每年的6月21日为世界音乐日。因起源法国,所以还称之为“Fete de la Musique”。1976年,美国音乐家乔尔·科恩建议举办通宵庆祝活动。希望在白昼最长的夏至日举办。1982年,他的这一想法被法国采纳。并迅速蔓延至全球一百多个城市。世界音乐日举办理念为弘扬音乐。它可通过两种方式实现。人们演奏音乐或是在街边沿街卖艺。可以是业余也可以是专业。第二种方式就是举办免费演唱会。主办方和听众均免费,表演者为无偿演奏。
Music is defined as “the art or science of combining vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion.” All music shares some common elements including pitch, rhythm and tempo. The word ‘music’ originally comes from Greek. Music is a part of all cultures. Many of us cannot live without it. We have to listen to it or produce it. We sing in the shower, download digital music from the Internet, and the lucky ones make a living from making it. Each country has its own music traditions and culture. This gives the music from each country its own unique and distinctive sound. We know instantly whether a piece of music comes from India, Africa, Australia or South America.
音乐被定义为声乐或乐器(或两者结合)艺术,且能够产生形态美和谐美,更能抒发情感。”所有音乐形式都有许多共同元素,包括音调、韵律和节奏。单词“music”来源希腊。音乐是所有文化的组成部分。许多人的生活离不开音乐。我们可以听音乐,也可以创作音乐。我们会在洗澡时听音乐,在互联网下载数字音乐,有幸之人还能通过音乐谋生。就音乐传统和文化而言,各个国家各有不同。各具自己的特色和音调。我们会立即辨识出哪些来自印度,哪些来自非洲、哪些来自澳大利亚,哪些来自南美。 part of 成为…的一部分
例句:Business representatives should also be part of this group.
2.ummer solstice 夏至
例句:Tomorrow will be the Summer Solstice.
3.listen to 聆听
例句:We are listening to him playing the piano.
4.take place 举行
例句:When does the wedding take place?