
The ways successful people defeat procrastination.
They tie themselves to the mast.
In Homer's Odyssey, Odysseus has his ship's crew tiehim to the mast so that he could hear the Sirens’ song without being drawn inand tempted to jump into the sea. If you're a chronic procrastinator and simplycan't resist the temptations of things like Facebook and Youtube, it might betime to tie yourself to the mast.
There are tools such as Rescue Time, SelfControl andFocus that will temporarily block access to distracting websites like Facebookso you can work on the things that matter. It's an extreme measure but alsovery effective.
There are less aggressive tools such as Facebook Newsfeed Eradicator and Distraction Free Youtube. These will allow you to haveaccess to Facebook and Youtube but block the distracting parts of these websites (such as the newsfeed)so youcan still use them for business purposes, like managing ads.