CCTV9英语新闻:Chinese in Mali donate to those injured or killed(在线收听

Chinese in Mali have volunteered to donate to Chinese UN peacekeepers, who were killed or injured in the car-bomb attacks last month. 


Representatives from Chinese community in Mali say they are very concerned about the victims and their families, and hope they can do something for them. 


In the wake of the attacks on the UN camp there, some Chinese in Mali initiated an online campaign calling for donations for the victims, and local Chinese people responded well. 


"We were very shocked when we heard of the tragedy. We volunteer to make this donation," said Yue Cong, secretary general of Mali Chinese Union.


"Chinese peace keepers and Chinese residents in Mali have very close ties. So when we were told that our peace keepers were attacked, we all felt very sad. We responded by donating to those in need," said Hong Qijiang, GM of Chinese company in Mali.
