
 BBC News –An examination forstudents in South Korea and Hong Kong hoping to study at US colleges has beencancelled after "credible evidence" emerged that it had been leakedin advance.

BBC新闻 – 希望在美国大学就读的韩国和香港学生要参加的考试被取消,因为有“可信证据”表明,考前试题已泄漏。
Administrators of the ACT test took thedecision just hours before some 5,500 students were due to sit it.
The ACT is one of two entrance examsavailable to international and domestic students wanting to go to a US college.
This is not the first cheating scandal tohit the tests in East Asia. The other entrance exam - the SAT - was cancelledin South Korea in 2013 because some of the questions were leaked.
这并非东亚地区发生在这类考试上的首次作弊丑闻。另一种大学入学考试– 学术能力评估测试(SAT)- 2013年因为某些考题外泄而在韩国取消。
The ACT test was due to be held at 56 testcentres in both South Korea and Hong Kong on Saturday morning.
The Associated Press said teachers at someof Seoul's private "cram schools" said they were not notified untilabout an hour before the students were due to sit the test.
ACT Inc, an Iowa-based non-profitorganisation that was operating the test, said it took the decision after receiving"credible evidence that test materials intended for administration inthese regions have been compromised".
The organisation said in a statement thatall students would get a refund but would only be able to resit when the testsare held again in September.