学个词 Learn a Word-VOA英语教学 2556 right wing(在线收听

今天我们要学的词是 right-wing. Right-wing 形容词,右翼的。According to annual crime statistics, violent crimes motivated by right-wing political opinions rose more than 40 percent in Germany last year. 年度犯罪数字显示,去年德国因右翼政见引发的暴力犯罪上涨了40%多。A court in Munich ruled that the tavern where Adolf Hitler gave his first public speech must honor its contract and allow a right-wing party to hold an event. 慕尼黑一家法院裁决,希特勒发表第一次公开演讲的酒店必须履行合约,允许一个右翼党派在那里举行活动。好的,我们今天学习的词是 right-wing, right-wing, right-wing...
