
 Traders have never been more bearish on Alibaba Group Holding Ltd, the fast-growing Chinese e-commerce company facing a probe by the US Securities and Exchange Commission, and SoftBank share sale.

The total number of outstanding shares borrowed for short selling peaked at more than 124 million last week. That's the most since its 2014 initial public offering and is up from about 60 million in December, according to data compiled by Bloomberg and Markit Ltd.
上周,空头借入进行卖空的阿里巴巴流通股总量达到了超过1.24亿股的历史峰值。彭博社和Markit Ltd汇总的数据显示,这一做空数量达到2014年阿里巴巴首次公开募股以来的最高水平,远高于去年12月时的约6000万股。
Prominent short sellers including Jim Chanos and John Hempton have been red-flagging Alibaba for months, suggesting that its growth figures might be too good to be true.
遭SEC调查和大股东减持 阿里巴巴股票做空头寸创新高
Bearish bets spiked in the past two weeks after the company disclosed a regulatory probe of its Chinese delivery unit and SoftBank Group Corp disclosed plans to sell a $10 billion stake.
"There's been an accumulation of factors making it more and more attractive for short sellers to target Alibaba, while the SEC investigation and SoftBank share sale added a lot of pressure," said Gil Luria, an analyst at Wedbush Securities Inc in Los Angeles, who has a neutral rating on the stock.
"If the SEC was to find Alibaba's accounting isn't proper and Alibaba has to restate its results, that'll be very detrimental. Because Alibaba's so high profile, it will cast an even greater shadow of Chinese companies listed in the US."
Alibaba, which claimed more than 75 percent of the e-commerce market share in the Chinese mainland last year, made history with a record $25 billion initial public offering in September 2014. Traders in New York clamored for the stock, which was priced at $68 a share, as a way to tap into the potential profits available from the country's growing middle class.
The shares have dropped 6.4 percent to $75.92 since May 25 when the company said that the SEC is looking at data reported from the company's Singles Day (Nov 11) promotion, Alibaba's biggest shopping day, and how the company consolidates results from affiliates, including logistics partner Cainiao Network.
While SoftBank's divestment comes as part of a broader strategy to find new investments in startups and strengthen its debt-heavy balance sheet, the move can be unsettling to investors as the Japanese technology giant first bought into the company 16 years ago, said Henry Guo, a New York-based analyst at M Science.
M Science驻纽约的分析师郭琪表示,“虽然软银的减持是其大战略的一部分,为的是增加在初创企业的投资、改善其负债沉重的资产负债表,但这一举措让投资者不安,因为软银16年前就入股阿里巴巴了。”
But most analysts covering Alibaba remain bullish. 37 of them advise buying the stock, while six rate it hold, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. It has no sell ratings.