英语悠选脱口秀 第42期:消失的黄金列车(下)(在线收听


  Today’s key word is Legend
  Legend 传奇;传说
  A legend is a very old and popular story that may be true.
  If you refer to someone as a legend, you mean that they are very famous and admired by a lot of people.
  The 2007 American science fiction film “I Am Legend” is really cool.
  This train is definitely a legend. Recently, Poland has confirmed the discovery of an armored(装甲的) World War II Nazi train that local legend says is full of gold and other loot(战利品).
  波兰表示,这事儿9成9是真的。 这火车还要从二战说起。
  After Adolf Hitler became the German Chancellor, 他就开始抢夺各种奇珍异宝。
  据说,希特勒当时拥有的战利品价值5亿美元左右,放到今天就是46亿美元。无数的黄金被融化,铸成12公斤金锭藏在了这辆火车上。除了各种名画,黄金,珠宝,古董之外,我们上次提到的 the amber room is reportedly also hidden in
  this train.
  And we all know that Allies win the World War Two and Hitler shot himself.
  Someone said that the train has disappeared like a ghost in Poland in a spring in the year of 1945. Actually, there were no evidences to prove the existence of the train. Until, two young men told the world that they found the train!
  为此,波兰还专门成立了一个突发事件委员会调查此事。在新闻发布会上,波兰当局公布了一张雷达探测到的火车照片。虽然不清晰,但还是有火车的轮廓。 到底这个火车存不存在呢?
  Let’s wait and see.