英语悠选脱口秀 第44期:生日歌属于全人类(在线收听


  Today’s key word is royalty
  royalty 版税 除了版税royalty 也有皇家,皇室的意思。
  Royalties are payments made to authors(作者) and musicians(音乐人)when their work is sold or performed .They usually receive a fixed percentage of the profits(利润) from these sales or performances.
  Here are 2 examples.
  royalty 皇室
  The gala evening was attended by royalty and politicians.
  royalty 版税
  The writer gets a 10% royalty on each copy of his book.
  Today we are going to talk about royalty as 版税。
  传说,在1893年,一对姐妹创作了这首歌的歌词。The melody(旋律) of "Happy Birthday to You" actually comes from the song "Good Morning to All".
  这首歌的歌词本来是用于课堂问候,歌名叫做《祝大家早安》.这对姐妹觉得good morning to all旋律简单上口,改个词顺便就祝人生日快乐了。
  就这样,这首歌慢慢流行开来,但刚开始并没有人考虑版权这件事儿,直到有一天,One day, The Summy Company registered for copyright in 1935. In 1988, Warner/Chappell Music purchased the company owning the copyright for $25 million。其中《祝你生日快乐》的价值被估作500万美元。有人估计, the song is the highest earning single song in history, with an estimated earnings of $50 million.
  The judge has ruled that Warner/Chappell never had the right to charge for the use of the "Happy Birthday To You" song.(鼓掌!!!)
  于是,"'Happy Birthday' is finally free after 80 years,"。偷偷摸摸唱了那么多年的生日快乐歌,终于可以正大光明的合法的唱了。来,大家一起啊,Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you ,happy birthday my dear listeners, happy birthday to you~~~~