英语悠选脱口秀 第57期:福尔摩斯的女跟踪狂(在线收听

  Today’s key word is Stalker
  A stalker is someone who keeps following or contacting someone else, especially a famous person, in an annoying(讨厌的) and frightening(可怕的) way.
  Stalker 跟踪者
  Here is an example:
  Did you know that John Lennon was murdered by a stalker?
  话说,我卷福Benedict Cumberbatch 有一天突然发现,自己门口总是有一个大姐溜达来溜达去。
  At the beginning,he didn’t pay much attention to her, because he is used to being mobbed (围观) wherever he goes and he's a good sport (大度的人) about it.但是,这位姐姐可不光是溜达,她还在卷福的门口和车上系红丝带。唉,你说,没事干嘛往别人家系红丝带呢,整的跟恐怖电影似的。
  原来,Red ribbons(丝带) feature in the Sherlock Holmes novel the mystery 'A Study in Scarlet' .(《暗红色研究》)
  Dr. John Watson uses the red ribbons to secure his scrapbook(剪贴簿) of case notes.
  So, he called the local police and the woman has now been issued with an official police information notice over harassment(骚扰) – which forbids(禁止) her from contacting the actor.
  By the way, the Sherlock Christmas Special is set to air on January the 1st 2016.再等等,大家再等等就能看到了,最后,一起听一下,福尔摩斯圣诞特辑的预告吧。