
Eradicating these bad habits
Comparing your own life to the lives people portray on social media.
The Happiness Research Institute conducted theFacebook Experiment to find out how our social media habits affect our happiness.Half of the study’s participants kept using Facebook as they normally would,while the other half stayed off Facebook for a week.
The results were striking. At the end of the week,the participants who stayed off Facebook reported a significantly higher degreeof satisfaction with their lives and lower levels of sadness and loneliness.The researchers also concluded that people on Facebook were 55% more likely tofeel stress as a result.
The thing to remember about Facebook and socialmedia in general is that they rarely represent reality. Social media providesan airbrushed, color-enhanced look at the lives people want to portray. I’m notsuggesting that you give up social media; just take it sparingly and with agrain of salt.