英语悠选脱口秀 第63期:圣诞广告 催泪暖心(在线收听


  Today’s key word is Telescope
  Telescope 望远镜
  A telescope is a long instrument(仪器) shaped like a tube(管子). It has lenses(镜头)inside that can make distant things seem larger and nearer when you look through it.
  Here is an example:
  Many stars are invisible without a telescope.
  今天,我们要说的这个telescope是英国百货商店John Lewis 2015圣诞广告。
  John Lewis's first Christmas commercial was broadcast in 2007. Since then, it releases one heart-moving advert each year during the Christmas season. This year’s story is about a young girl called Lily. Looking at the moon through the family telescope one night, she's amazed at what she finds... a man on the moon. But he is too far away from her, so he can’t see her.
  In the next few days, lily watched the moon every night. She found that the grandpa on the moon was always alone on the moon. He sat on the beach in front of his cabin for hours all by himself, looking sad. She becomes determined to get something to the moon, to send him a message and show him that someone down here is thinking about him. 但她尝试了各种方法都没能把信送到月亮上去。
  She was disappointed. Finally, on the Christmas Eve she sent a gift to the moon by using the colorful balloons. 月亮爷爷在一片灰暗的月球上,看到了这个五彩气球送来的礼物。
  It was a telescope. By using this telescope, the grandpa on the moon and Lily saw each other.
  两分钟左右的广告,让人看了以后心里暖暖的。广告中的最后一句话是 Show someone they were loved this Charistmas!
  So do you know any “man on the moon”? If you do, talk to them and tell them that they were loved! For me, I just want to say, Dear listeners, you were all loved by us.
  Talk to you next time!