英语悠选脱口秀 第66期:快递小哥奇葩多(在线收听


  Today’s key word is Delivery
  Delivery 快递,投递
  Delivery or a delivery is the bringing of letters, parcels(包裹), or other goods to someone's house or to another place where they want them.
  I’ve been waiting for my delivery guy the whole day!
  I guess everybody has something to say about the delivery guy, good or bad, funny or sad, happy or angry. 今天我们就来看看那些调皮的快递小哥。
  D: Hey: wait for me at home this afternoon.
  Y:What!? Who are you asking me to wait for you!
  Y: oh ok, You can’t get in our neighborhood,so please leave it in the mail room.
  D:I can get in. Because I am very handsome!!!
  D: Sorry I can’t deliver your package today. Please forgive me.
  Y: Don’t worry. I’ll forgive you!
  D: But I can’t forgive myself!
  Y: Haha, I allow you to forgive yourself.
  D: But I am a very serious person, today is just the beginning of the Double 11 delivery, and I have packages that I can’t deliver. I am so sad!
  D: Come or not, I will be here for you until you come downstairs to get your delivery.
  Y: Please bring it to floor 22.
  D: No! I won’t. People living in your neighbor-hood always ask me to take out the trash after getting the package.
  Y: Please leave my package somewhere safe.
  D: "I have left your parcel in a safe location as requested by the sender" “Top of your roof”.
  D: "I was really hungry and the pizza smells so good”.
  Y: I think the delivery ate half of my pizza, why does life hate me!!!
  快递小哥是一种神奇的存在,霸道总裁型,诗人文青型,默默无语型,幽默机智型。Have you ever met or heard of any interesting delivery guys? 你有什么奇葩经历,说出来大家一起开心一下啊!
  See you next time!