英语悠选脱口秀 第70期:脸书(在线收听


  Today’s key word is Facebook
  Facebook 脸书
  Facebook was launched by Mark Zuckerberg with his Harvard College roommates in 2004. 脸书是扎克伯格和他在哈佛大学的室友一起在2004年创立的。I think almost everybody knows facebook and its CEO Mark Zuckerberg.
  Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg became a father.His daughter’s name is Max.Mark and his wife said in the letter to their daughter that they will give away 99% of their shares(股份) to good causes because they want to make the world a better place for Max to grow up(成长) in. 捐献他们俩在Facebook拥有的股份的99%,目前相当于,450亿美!元!就是因为想给让自己的女儿生活在一个更好的世界。
  一起来看看,Max他爸妈在给女儿的信里,还说了什么?(内容太感人,泪点低的请准备好纸巾,或者蓝盆友和铝盆友的衣服袖子)“Your mother and I don't yet have the words to describe the hope you give us for the future.你的妈妈和我没办法用语言形容你的出生带给我们的希望。Like all parents, we want you to grow up in a world better than ours today.像这世界上所有的父母一样,我们希望你能生活在一个比我们现在生活的世界更好的世界。While headlines often focus on what's wrong, in many ways the world is getting better.虽然新闻的头条常常是世界发生的坏事,但是你要知道这个世界在很多方面是在慢慢变好的。Max, we love you and feel a great responsibility to leave the world a better place for you and all children. We wish you a life filled with the same love, hope and joy you give us. We can't wait to see what you bring to this world.”
  读完这封长长的充满爱的信,I already started imaging how kindhearted, smart and beautiful, this little Max would be in the future.那么,说了这么久他的爸爸,你知道Max的妈妈是谁吗?Who is this Facebook CEO’s wife?她是中国人吗?他们两个又是怎么认识的呢?We will tell you their love story next time.
  See you then!