英语悠选脱口秀 第73期:饭团宝宝(在线收听


  Today's key word is Riceball
  Riceball 饭团
  In Japan, it is also called O-nigiri or o-musubi.
  It is a Japanese food made from white rice formed into triangular(三角形的) shapes and often wrapped(包裹) in seaweed(海苔).
  Here is an example:
  It is very convenient to just eat a rice ball in the morning when you wake up late.
  诶,今天我们要说的这个饭团呢,不是吃滴!是什么呢?这还得从一个不靠谱的老爸说起。Masahiro Ehara is a Japanese comedian.(喜剧演员)One day, he decided to post some photos of himself squishing(挤压) his kids’ faces to look like rice balls.有人就问了,为什么呢?This老爸说了,就是想捏脸需要理由吗?
  Quickly, those photos went viral for being ridiculously adorable(不可理喻的可爱).一大批网友被萌的不要不要的。其中有一位说:“Oh, babies. Their chubby(胖乎乎的) little faces bring so much joy to everyone around them… When the babies themselves are not screaming or crying(哭喊) of course.”还有很多人,像这个逗比老爸请教饭团脸制作方法。于是,for the first time, he revealed it in a short video.
  这段魔性的视频,我会告诉你我看了十几遍吗?It is so cute; the look on that baby’s face is so amazing and ridiculously adorable.You just can’t stop watching it over and over again.And actually, this father didn’t explain why he did it.
  视频中,他只是拍了他两只手挤孩子脸的画面。那这个可爱的不要不要的饭团脸到底怎么做呢。The father said “you just put both your hands together and gently squeeze.”就是这么简单有木有!于是,广大日本小朋友就开始了被爸爸妈妈挤脸的生活。
  Here are some replies from parents.“I gave it a go and got a perfect rice ball first try. So cute!”“I was surprised the baby didn’t hate it. Far from it, she laughed and loved it!”
  没有孩子的童鞋们不用担心,If you don’t have children, why not turn your friends and family into “rice balls” instead?And don’t forget to share the pictures with us.
  Search for AYOEnglish to find more pictures of this ridiculously adorable rice ball baby.就说到这,我继续看饭团宝宝去了!
  See you next time!