英语悠选脱口秀 第76期:榭寄生下的吻(在线收听


  Today’s key word is Mistletoe
  Mistletoe 榭寄生
  Mistletoe is a plant(植物) with pale berries(浆果) that grows on the branches(树枝) of some trees. Mistletoe is used in Britain and the United States as a Christmas decoration(装饰), and people often kiss under it.
  Here is a lovely example:
  He used the mistletoe as an excuse to kiss her.
  大家或多或少都听过关于榭寄生mistletoe的故事。圣诞节时,站在mistletoe下面,不论是不是男女朋友都要亲吻对方。So why do we kiss under the mistletoe?
  There are different explanations(解释) 其中一个跟雷神的弟弟洛基有关As the story goes, Baldur, the son of the god Odin was prophesied(预言) to die one day. 听到自己的儿子被预言死亡,他的母亲,the goddess of love, Frigg, went to all the animals and plants to secure an oath(誓言) that they would not harm him. 她让所有自然中的动物和植物都发誓不伤害自己的儿子。却忽略了谦虚低调的榭寄生mistletoe.于是,Loki就用mistletoe做了一支箭,并用这支箭伤了Baldur.(Baldur和雷神,洛基是兄弟)后来,有记载道Baldur并没有向预言中一样死去。他复活之后,Frigg then declared(宣布) mistletoe a symbol(标志) of love and vowed to plant a kiss on all those who passed beneath(下面) it.
  The kissing tradition appears to have first caught on among servants(仆人) in England before spreading to the middle classes. 腐国人民又做了件好事As part of the early custom, men were allowed to steal a kiss from any woman caught standing under the mistletoe, and refusing was viewed as bad luck.
  So 男童鞋们,如果你喜欢的女孩恰巧站在Mistletoe下面,她可能是在等你吻她哦。Girls, 如果一直不敢吻心仪的男生,把他带到mistletoe下面吧。不过,记得先给他听这期节目哦,不然,他可能站在底下也不知道该干什么。嘻嘻 Don’t forget to tell us your story about your standing under the mistletoe.
  Wish all of you find your true love and merry Christmas.