异类之不一样的成功启示录 第95期:夫妻幸福事业的开始(在线收听

   He came back to their tiny apartment and laid the goods out on the dining room table.

  Regina began to cut the gingham, small sizes for toddlers,瑞吉娜开始裁剪棉布,小的给初学走路的孩子,larger for small children, until she had forty aprons. She began to sew.
  At midnight, she went to bed and Louis took up where she had left off.
  At dawn, she rose and began cutting buttonholes and adding buttons.
  By ten in the morning, the aprons were finished.
  Louis gathered them up over his arm and ventured out onto Hester Street.
  "Children's aprons! Little girls' aprons! Colored ones, ten cents.
  White ones, fifteen cents! Little girls' aprons!" By one o'clock, all forty were gone.
  "Ma, we've got our business," she shouted out to Regina, after running all the way home from Hester Street.
  “孩子他妈,我们找到好生意了,”他从这街上一路飞奔回家后对老婆高喊着,"We made two dollars and sixty cents in three hours of selling."“三小时里咱们卖了两美元六十美分。”
  He grabbed her by ther waist and began swinging her around and around.
  "You've got to help me," he cried out. "We'll work together! Ma, this is our business."“你一定要帮助我”,他喊着。“我们一起努力工作,孩子妈,这是我们的事业。”
  Jewish immigrants like the Floms and the Borgenichts弗洛姆和鲍各尼特家这样的有犹太移民
  and the Janklows were not like the other immigrants who came to America in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
  The Irish and the Italians were peasants, tenants farmers from the impoverished countryside of Europe.
  Not so the Jews. For centuries in Europe, they had been forbidden from owning land,但犹太人不是,几个实际以来在欧洲,他们被迫离开自己的土地,and so they had clustered in cities and towns, taking up urban trades and professions.
  Seventy percent of the Eastern European Jews who came through Ellis Island in the thirty years东欧的70%的犹太人30年中主要来自艾丽斯岛,or so before the first World War had some kind of occupational skill.
  They had owned small groceries or jewelry stores.
  They had been bookbinders or watch makers.
  Overwhelmingly, though, their experience lay in the clothing trade.
  They were tailors and dress makers, hat and cap makers, and furriers and tanners.
  Louis Borgenicht, for example, left the impoverished home of his parents at age twelve举例来说,路易斯·鲍各尼特在12岁的时候就离开了父母贫穷的家to work as a salesclerk in a general store in the Polish town of Brzesko.
  When the opportunity came to work in Schnittwaren Handlung当他有机会在SchnittwarenHandlung店
  (literally, the handling of cloth and fabrics or "piece goods," as they were known), he jumped at it.
  "In those days, the piece-goods man was clothier to the world," he writes,“布匹行业的人对世界来说就是衣商”,他写道,"and of the three fundamentals required for life in that simple society, food and shelter were humble.
  Clothing was the aristocrat.