
   McDonald’s has eliminated controversial ingredients in about half of its menu in a move that highlights how pressure from US consumers is driving changes to the country’s food culture.

  The $100bn fast-food chain said on Monday it had removed artificial preservatives from its Chicken McNuggets, sausage patties, omelettes, bagel and biscuit breakfast sandwiches and its scrambled eggs.
  It has swapped high-fructose corn syrup in its buns for sucrose and has met a pledge a year early to remove antibiotics important to human medicine from chickens it uses, amid concerns that these pose health risks. It is also working towards a goal of using only cage-free eggs by 2025, a move it said about 100 companies were following.
  Consumer demands for healthier food options, fewer artificial ingredients and more transparency in the food chain were until a few years ago met mostly by smaller innovative companies, which had to rely on a limited supply chain.
  However, spurred on by pressure from social media, those demands have been pushed into the mainstream, forcing McDonald’s and its rivals to make significant changes to the food they offer, and having a knock-on effect on companies such as Tyson in their supply chain.
  McDonald’s has faced criticism for not moving fast enough given that smaller rivals such as Chick-fil-A had already made similar moves, including banishing the use of all antibiotics in its chickens.
  But the sheer size of McDonald’s, with its 14,200 US restaurants, means that when it starts making such changes it has a far bigger impact on supply chains. After it introduced apple slices as a side dish in 2004, the group was soon purchasing 10 per cent of the domestic harvest.
  McDonald’s said that while some of these changes create higher costs, it would not be passing them on to the consumer. It said it was able to offset those costs through savings in its purchases of other food commodities and by using financial hedging tools.
  As farmers scale up to meet demands of a company as large as McDonald’s, and other companies make similar changes, prices are also expected to come down.
  Mike Andres, president of McDonald’s USA, said the changes to its supply chain had posed challenges but he was pleased with the progress.
  麦当劳美国市场负责人迈克?安德烈斯(Mike Andres)表示,公司供应链的改变虽带来了挑战,但他对这些改进感到很高兴。
  “If you look at the food industry today, any time that you’re dealing with this many different suppliers, certainly from the farmers’ perspective, it’s going to be challenging,” he said.
  Marion Gross, senior vice-president of supply chain management, added that planning and collaboration with suppliers were vital so it could be sure the infrastructure was in place to scale up changes to its ingredients.
  麦当劳供应链管理高级副总裁马里昂?格罗斯(Marion Gross)同时表示,与供应商的规划和合作极为重要,这样才可以肯定基础设施已经到位,从而让麦当劳对食材进行大规模改变。