英语悠选脱口秀 第80期:谢耳朵的猫(在线收听


  Today’s key word is Kitty
  Kitty 口语中的小猫
  Kitty is sometimes used as a way of referring to a cat or kitten.
  Here is an example:
  One of the most famous kitties in the world is HELLO Kitty!
  Hello kitty是世界上最有名的kitty之一。
  The kitty we are going to talk about today is Sheldon’s favorite lullaby(催眠曲)。Soft Kitty warm kitty 在《生活大爆炸》这部美剧里,Sheldon 生病时,penny 就会给他唱这首歌。
  A:“Nice and Cozy! I will see you later.
  B:Wait. Can you sing soft kitty?
  B:My mom used to sing it to me when I was sick.
  A:Sorry, honey. I don’t know.
  B:I will teach you. Soft kitty ,warm kitty Little ball of fur Happy kitty, sleepy kitty purr,purr,purr”就是这首。但现在因为这首歌,剧组被人起诉了。不是因为sheldon太搞笑哦。怎么回事呢?
  The daughters(女儿) of a teacher who wrote a poem(诗歌) about a "soft kitty" are suing CBS for copyright violation(侵权)CBS is the network behind The Big Bang Theory.这俩女儿说了,你们在电视里唱的歌,歌词是我们的妈 Ellen写的。你们一通唱,还没给钱呢。They said that they discovered The Big Bang Theory's use of the lyrics(歌词) in August 2014,when they were researching their mother's history for an article(文章) they were writing. 电视台的人特委屈的说,我们在一本书里发现这个词,觉得特适合sheldon的气质. 决定使用之前明明征求过出版商的同意了啊. Two daughters said that 我们压根什么也不知道。书里面用这个词也没征求我们同意。
  事实上,这首歌不光Sheldon喜欢。The lyrics have also been used in merchandising(文化衍生品), including on T-shirts, mouse pads(鼠标垫), mobile phone covers, wallets, air fresheners, fridge magnets(冰箱贴), toys and other products. The Soft Kitty lyrics are among the best-known quotes from `The Big Bang Theory,".目前双方各执一词,还没有一个正式的结果出来。Anyway, let’s hope it can be solved ASAP.
  I think most Big Bang Theory fans still want to listen to this song on the show. Soft kitty, warm kitty Little ball of fur, Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr,purr,purrGood Night, I am going to bed.