英语悠选脱口秀 第86期:假如你有15亿美金(在线收听


  Today’s key word is If
  If 假如
  You use if in conditional sentences(条件句) to introduce the circumstances(情况) in which an event or situation might happen, might be happening, or might have happened.
  Here is an example:
  What will you do if you win 1.5 billion dollars in the lottery?
  Seriously, what will you do? Have you ever thought about this question? 为什么突然提这个问题呢?近日,中国,英国,美国都出现了巨额彩票奖金无人认领的情况。I really want to know why? Why? The US prize has now gone up to a world record(世界纪录) size, and ticket-holders will have the chance to take home about 1.5 billion US dollars.
  15亿美金,美金啊!I bet lots of people who don’t usually buy tickets will get one. At least, I will.
  So我们来一起做一下美梦,假如你中了1000万美金,What will you do?买车?买房?买房车?I talked with my colleagues, here are their ideas: Lincoln, what will you do?“I feel like you have to do one – at least one ostentatious thing, just to, you know, just to be that guy. I probably a Lamborghini or something, I don’t know. Or a really big vacation, to an island somewhere. Just want to get it out of your system – buy a ridiculous car or go on a ridiculous holiday.You’re still yourself, but you can be yourself in a Lamborghini. Think about that”.
  想想中彩票就超级开心的Lincoln.但估计很多人都跟他一样,你跟他的想法一样吗?如果我有1000万美金的话,先请悠选的听众们吃火锅。然后,换个最顶级的录音设备,一边环游世界,一边和大家分享最好听的节目。What’s your plan?