英语悠选脱口秀 第88期:代表月亮消灭压力(在线收听


  Today’s key word is Stress
  Stress 压力
  If you feel under stress, you feel worried and tense(紧张)because of difficulties(困难) in your life.
  Here is an example:
  Are you suffering from an excess of stress in your life?
  1. Remember to breathe
  Is there any simpler way to relax? Slow, deep breaths can help lower blood pressure(血压) and heart rate(心率). 来大家跟我一起深呼吸2. Close Your Eyes
  闭上双眼James Taylor said it: You can close your eyes, it’s all right. Take a quick break by just lowering your eyelids(眼皮). It’s an easy way to regain calm and focus.大家可以闭上眼睛听英语悠选哦。
  3. Sip Green Tea
  一杯暖暖的绿茶Instead of turning purple(紫色) with rage(愤怒), get green with a cup of herbal tea(草本茶). Boil the water, pour it out, and take a soothing sip(小口的喝)。
  4.Get some Chocolate
  吃一点黑巧克力Just a square of the sweet stuff can calm your nerves(神经). 黑巧克力dark chocolate可以控制让你压力上升的激素皮质醇的水平。
  5. Give yourself a hand massage
  给自己做一个手部按摩。When there is no professional massagers in sight, try DIY a hand massage for instant relaxation that calms a pounding heart. Massage can be especially helpful for people who spend a lot of time typing on a keyboard. 涂上你喜欢的护手霜,然后慢慢地按摩手掌,特别是按摩大拇指下面的肌肉。
  6. Write It Down
  没人可以倾诉的时候,把压力写下来也不错。“Dear Diary: Today I feel STRESSED.” Just putting our emotions on paper can make them seem less intimidating(恐怖).
  7. Listen to Your Favorite Song or show
  听听你最喜欢的歌曲或者节目Beyonce, Bruno Mars, or John Legend, sometimes belting out(大声播放) the lyrics to a favorite tune makes everything seem all right. 或者听听悠选的节目也不错哦。
  8. Nose Full of Coffee
  闻一闻咖啡的香味Wake up and smell the latte(拿铁). Just the odor(气味) of coffee can help reduce stress hormones—no sipping required. (Just be sure not to burn the tip of your nose.)9 Stretch
  简单的做一下伸展 拉伸运动Standing up for a quick stretch can relieve muscle tension(肌肉紧张) and help us relax during a stressful workday.Why not try a shoulder roll-out or a chest-opening stretch right from the desk chair?
  10. Talk to a Friend
  When something’s really bothering you, it can help to share your feelings with a pal.In fact, more talkative folks tend to be happier in general.