英语悠选脱口秀 第89期:1美元在世界各地能买到什么(在线收听


  Today’s key word is Dollar
  Dollar 美元;金钱
  The dollar is the unit(单位) of money used in the USA, Canada, Australia, and some other countries.
  Dollar不仅可以用来指美元,澳元可以用Australian dollar 加元 Canadian dollar很多国家的钱 是直接在dollar前加上国家的名字就可以了但我天朝不是哦,英语中说人民币 就直接用Renminbi or Yuan or RMB就可以了Here is an example:
  I'd like to change these U.S. dollars into Renminbi.
  What Can You Buy For $1 In Your hometown? Let’s talk a look at what can you buy for 1 dollar in the world!
  In France you can basically buy a baguette(法棍) with 1 $。Yummy In Iceland, one dollar gets you a whole liter(1升) of milk.
  Or maybe you’re feeling a little thirstier(口渴) and are willing to spend that 1 dollar on a glass of wine in Hungary. Not bad. And in Ukraine, you can have 10 fresh eggs. In Sweden, $1 can get you a Swedish cinnamon bun(肉桂面包).Sounds delicious !
  In our colleague Lincoln’s home town in South Africa, you can buy two junior cheese burgers at mcdonalds or 2.5 liters of coke for only 1 dollar!!! Lincoln, can you take me to your hometown?
  在菲律宾可以买到的更多,You can buy a liter of Gin(杜松子酒) OR a kilo of rice OR 9 eggs OR 2 instant coffee packs(速溶咖啡). So basically a lot. And in the U.S., one dollar gets you four chicken nuggets from McDonald's.
  同样是一块钱,不同国家之间的差异还是很大的啊。So what can you buy for 1 dollar in your place? Tell us on our wechat, Search for Ayoenglish 好想喝咖啡,不知道一块钱够不够,Can I have a cup of coffee for 1 yuan. No leave! get out!