英语悠选脱口秀 第92期:怦然心动(在线收听


  Flipped 怦然心动
  The key word in this movie is Flipped F-L-I-P-P-E-DIf you flip a switch(开关), you turn it on or off by pressing the switch quickly. 快速翻转,轻弹;说到这个词,不得不表扬一下翻译这个电影题目的人。把flipped 翻译成怦然心动 简直太美太贴切。
  The movie <flipped> is a story about young love.
  Once in a while, there is a girl called Juli Baker.这个叫做Juli的小女孩坚定不移的相信3件事情:The sanctity(神圣) of trees;The wholesomeness(卫生性) of the eggs from her backyard;And that someday she will kiss Bryce Loski.
  诶,重点来了。She will kiss Bryce Loski. So who is Bryce Loski?
  Bryce是前不久刚刚搬到这个社区来的男孩。从见到他的第一面起, Juli就爱上了这个棕色眼睛的男孩。于是,她勇敢的向Bryce告白了。Unfortunately, Bryce has never felt the same. He thinks Juli Baker is just a little weird girl.毕竟,哪个小学生会在自己家后院养鸡呢。
  但是,突然有一天。Bryce sunddenly felt that Juli and her family are kind of cool.However, 在追了bryce6年后,Juli开始怀疑自己的感情。后来,因为梧桐树和鸡蛋,Juli and Bryce stopped talking with each other.
  有时,人们往往在失去时才明白自己曾经拥有的爱情是那么珍贵和美好。After Juli stopped talking to Bryce, the boy started to feel emptiness in his heart because of Juli’s absence(缺席).她们两个最后有没有和好呢?亲自去看看就知道了。
  This is a really cute and lovely story.其中有一段话说的非常的好。
  “But every once in a while you find someone who's iridescent(色彩斑斓), and when you do, nothing will ever compare. ”有一天你会遇到一个彩虹般绚丽的人,从此以后,其他人就不过是匆匆浮云了。 新的一年,希望大家都有这样一个人陪在身边。