英语悠选脱口秀 第94期:闰年(在线收听


  今天要给大家推荐的电影叫做leap year
  leap year 闰年
  And the key words in this movie is Leap yearA leap year is a year which has 366 days. There is a leap year every four years.
  Here is an example:
  A leap year is a year when February has 29 days.
  The girl in this film – Anna - plans to go to Dublin, Ireland to propose (求婚) to her boyfriend on Feb.29th.但旅途中突然出现的坏天气,让Anna滞留在一个爱尔兰小乡村。
  At this beautiful town, Anna met a guy called Declan. She asked Declan to bring her to Dublin to meet her boyfriend.在两个人开着一辆小破车去都柏林的路上,发生了许多有趣又有爱的故事。
  其中有一段台词是这样的:I want to say, may you never steal, lie or cheat.(steal:偷窃)But if you must steal, then steal away my sorrows(悲伤). And if you must lie, lie with me all the nights of my lifeAnd if you must cheat, then please cheat death, because I couldn't live a day without you.有没有很感动。
  AND One of the most important reasons why we want to recommend this film to you is the beautiful scenery(风景)。爱尔兰的风光实在太美太美太美了。将来有机会一定要到爱尔兰去看一看。
  I hope you also like this romantic comedy film---Leap Year, 闰年。