
   school year 学年

  term, trimester 学季
  semester 学期
  school day 教学日
  school holiday 假期
  curriculum 课程
  subject 学科
  discipline 学科
  timetable 课程表
  class,lesson 课
  homework 家庭作业
  exercise 练习
  dictation 听写
  playtime, break 课间,休息
  to play truant, to play hooky 逃学,旷课
  late for class 迟到
  course (of study) 学业
  written work 书面作业
  oral calculation 口算
  elucidation 讲解
  prepare lessons 预习
  grant , scholarship,fellowship 奖学金
  holder of a grant/scholar/ fellow 奖学金获得者
  school uniform 校服
  teaching staff 教育工作者(总称)
  of school age 学龄儿童
  beginning of term 开学
  matriculation 注册
  to enroll 注册
  to take lessons (学生)上课
  to teach (老师)上课
  required course 必修课
  optional course 选修课
  transcript 成绩单
  lecture 演讲
  credit 学分
  to study 学习
  to learn by heart 记住,掌握
  to revise , to go over 复习
  test 考试
  to test 考试
  to take anexamination 参加考试
  convocation notice 考试通知
  examiner 考试者
  board of examiners 考试团
  oral examination 口试
  written examination 笔试
  question 问题
  question paper 试卷
  to pass an examination (exam) 通过考试
  prize giving 分配奖品
  to fail an examination 未通过考试
  failure 不及格
  to repeat a year 留级
  competitive examination 答辩考试
  competitiveness 竞争意识
  driven 有紧迫感的
  assiduous learning 勤奋学习
  independent study 独立学习
  learning efficiency 学习效率
  gain new knowledge by review old 温故知新
  skip school 逃学
  burn the midnight oil开夜车