潘基文表态 现在是出现女性联合国秘书长的最佳时机!(在线收听

  The secretary-general of the United Nations has said he would like a woman to take over fromhim.
  Ban Ki-moon said it was "high time" for a female head, after more than 70 years of the UN andeight male leaders. Of the 11 candidates in the running to take up the post, five are women.
  The secretary-general must be recommended by the 15 countries that make up the UN SecurityCouncil and elected by the 193 countries in the General Assembly. A new secretary-general isexpected to be announced in the autumn.
  潘基文表态 现在是出现女性联合国秘书长的最佳时机!
  By tradition the role rotates between regions of the world. Eastern Europe and Russia, whichhave never had a representative hold the post, say it should be the turn of someone fromthat region of the world.
  Mr Ban did not single out one particular candidate, but he told the AP news agency that therewere "many distinguished, motivated women leaders who can really change this world, whocan actively engage with the other leaders of the world".
  Mr Ban said whoever takes the role should have " a clear vision for the world of the future" andcommitment to peace, development and human rights.
  He or she should champion the rights of vulnerable groups including women and girls, peoplewith disabilities and people with minority sexualities, Mr Ban said. "If not the United Nations,who will take care of those people?"
  In polls, Antonio Guterres of Portugal, a former prime minister and former head of the UN'srefugee agency, has been the favourite to take on the role.
  The highest-performing women have been Irina Bokova of Bulgaria and Susana Malcorra ofArgentina, who have both reached third place in the rankings.