英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0825 - 在外漂,父母勿扰?(在线收听

Topic 1-18-Year-Old Freshman-To-Be Dies after Phone Fraud
An 18-year-old Chinese high school graduate ready to go to college died of a heart attack after being swindled out of her tuition fees by a phone fraud.
Who's to be blamed of the girl's death? What should have been done to avoid such a tragedy?
Topic 2-Ningxia Grants Female Paid Menstrual Leave
A female labor protection regulation that grants female workers up to 2 days paid-leave during menstruation has been approved by provincial legislature in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, in northwest China.
Is a menstrual leave policy going to hinder or help women in the workplace?
Topic 3-People Living away from Home Don't Want Parents Visiting
If you live far away from home, you may have homesick and feel happy while your parents visiting you. But a recent survey shows that half of young people living outside their hometown DO NOT WANT parents visiting. Why is that?                             