听歌学英语:燃烧 Burning(在线收听

Maria Arredondo来自挪威的一位歌手。拥有过人音乐天赋Maria从10岁起就开始参加各种歌唱比赛,并逐渐在其出生的小镇上变得小有名气。成年后的Maria在03年发表了自己的首张同名专辑,高水准的词作以及大牌制作人的操刀辅助使得该专辑一经推出就获得了挪威最权威报纸上音乐版块的最高评价,并且直冲白金销量。

Passion is sweet激情带来甜蜜
Love makes weak 爱情让人脆弱
You said you cherished freedom so 你曾说过自由至上
You refuse to let it go 因此你不愿被束缚

Follow your fate 命中注定/跟随命运
Love and hate 爱恨情仇/去爱去恨
Never fail to seize the day及时行乐
But dont give yourself away 但别丢失本色

Oh when the night falls哦,当夜幕降临
And your all alone 你孤身一人
In your deepest sleep what 在你的睡梦中
Are you dreaming of 你又梦见了什么

My skin's still burning from your touch 肌肤之亲让我陶醉/肌肤因你的触碰而燃烧
Oh I just can't get enough I 噢,我却无法满足/怎么也不够
Said I wouldn't ask for much 曾说过不会索取太多
But your eyes are dangerous 然而你的眼神摄人心魄
Oh the thought keep spinning in my head 但有个想法在我的脑海里挥之不去
Can we drop this masquerade 我们可否坦诚相对
I can't predict where it ends 纵使结局无法预料
If your the rock I'll crush against 我仍旧甘愿飞蛾扑火

Trapped in a crowd 置身于茫茫人海
The music is loud 乐声嘈杂
I said I love my freedom to 我曾说过我同样珍爱自由
Now I'm not sure I do 现今却不置可否

All eyes on you 视线被你占据
Rings so true 我已经看清一切
Better quit while you're ahead 我知道要及时收手/感情深入之时,却是分手之日
Now I'm not so sure I am 此刻却没有如此决绝

Oh when the night falls 哦,当夜幕降临
And your all alone 你孤身一人
In your deepest sleep what 在你沉睡之时
Are you dreaming of 你梦见了什么

My skin's still burning from your touch 肌肤之亲让我陶醉
Oh I just can't get enough I 哦,我无法满足
Said I wouldn't ask for much 曾答应不会索取太多
But your eyes are dangerous 然而你的眼神摄人心魄
Oh the thought keep spinning in my head 对你的思想挥之不去
Can we drop this masquerade 我们可否坦诚相对
I can't predict where it ends 纵使结局无法预料
If your the rock I'll crush against 我仍旧甘愿飞蛾扑火

My soul my heart 我的灵魂 我的心
If you're near if you're far无论你近在咫尺或是远在天涯
My life my love 我的生命 我的挚爱
You can have it all....ooohaaaah 给一并给你 哦...

Oh when the night falls 哦 当夜晚降临
And your all alone 你孤身一人
In your deepest sleep what 在你沉沉的睡眠之中
Are you dreaming of 你正在梦到什么

My skin's still burning from your touch 肌肤之亲让我陶醉
Oh I just can't get enough 哦 我却无法满足
Said I wouldn't ask for much 曾答应不会索取太多
But your eyes are dangerous 然而你的眼神摄人心魄
Oh the thought keep spinning in my head 对你的思想挥之不去
Can we drop this masquerade 我们可否坦诚相对
I can't predict where it ends 纵使结局无法预料
If your the rock I'll crush against 我仍旧甘愿飞蛾扑火
ooh, if your the rock I'll crush against 哦 我仍旧甘愿飞蛾扑火

Never fail to seize the day 要把握每一天/要及时享受
fail: vi. 辜负;失败,不及格;破产;缺乏;衰退;使失望;
Her sight is beginning to fail.她的视力开始下降了。
The brakes failed.刹车失灵了。
Sorry I failed you.对不起,我辜负了你。
fail to do sth:未能做成;失败
She had a great chance, but she goofed again, ie failed to take the opportunity.她原有个极好的机会,可是她又搞砸了。(goof: v弄糟;出大错)

to seize the day: 只争朝夕;及时行乐;抓住每一天
Carpe diem. Seize the day. Make your lives extraordinary.抓紧时间,让你的生命变得不同寻常吧。(拉丁语:及时行乐,抓住今天) (extraordinary [ik?str??dnri] adj. 非凡的;特别的)
Without that urge to seize the day, then all efforts are likely to come to nothing.如果没有那种抓住当下的紧迫感,所有努力都可能白费。(urge n. 强烈的欲望,迫切要求;推动力)
Seize the day, young man. You may never get the chance to embark on such an adventure again.年轻人,把握机会啊,这样的探险机会可能只有一次。(embark on: vi. 从事,着手;上船或飞机)

Can we drop this masquerade 我们可否坦诚相对/我们能否扔下这伪装
drop: v 丢下;放弃;下降; n.滴;下降;下跌;减少
Please pull over and drop me there. How much is the fare?请靠边停车,我在那儿下。车费是多少?
His jaw dropped when he saw how much the meal cost.看到那顿饭花了这么多钱,他大吃一惊/下巴都掉了。
drop it 停止,放弃,算了吧
Drop it!I'm tired out.别闹了/放我一马吧!我累得要命。
If you have an exercise habit going, don’t drop it at the first sign of trouble. 如果你已经养成了锻炼的习惯,就千万不要在遇到一点点困难时就放弃它。
masquerade [,m?sk?'reid] vi. 化装;伪装 n. 伪装;化妆舞会
A masquerade is always interesting because people come in such outlandish costumes.化装舞会一向很有趣,因为人们来时都穿着稀奇古怪的服装。(outlandish adj.稀奇古怪的;异国风味的)

Better quit while you're ahead 最好在拥有的时候就离开
quit while you are ahead:见好就收!/功成身退(字面意义:当处于优势的时候,最好退出来。也就是‘见好就收,以免树大招风’)
I think I'll quit while I'm ahead. That way, I'm sure to walk out with a nice pot of money I hadn't expected.我觉得最好是见好就收。这样一来,我就能带着一小笔的意外之财离开这里。
