美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2016-8-27(在线收听


This is AP news minute.

1. U.S Olympic swimmers Unnar Bentz and Jack Conger  left Brazil, heading back to the United States. They testifies about the alleged robbery of four U.S swimmers, something Brazilian authorities now say never happened.  A lawyer says Jimmy Feigen will also leave the country. 

2. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and running mate Mike Pence are expected in Louisiana on Friday to tour flood damage. On Thursday, Trump said he forgets some of his more controversial statements that may have caused people's pain. 

3. California firefighters now say they have the massive blaze east of Los Angles more than 20% contained. The fire has burned through more than 50 square miles. 

4. And a new wildfire broke out in California. This one in Santa Barbara county along the state's central coastline. It quickly burned about 500 acres of Range mountain territory and forced some campuses to evacuate. 

Tim *, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.
