英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0907 - RT的黄金座位在哪里?(在线收听

 Topic 1-Chinas Illicit Adoption Market Goes Online

With China’s often long and cumbersome adoption process, many prospective parents are turning to internet chat groups to arguably buy children instead. Let’s have a closer look on the issue.
Topic 2-300 Million Chinese People Suffer from Hidden Hunger
After you enjoy a lavish meal and you are full, but are you really free from hunger? A recent report has revealed that about 300 million Chinese people are suffering from the so-called hidden hunger.
Topic 3-Parents Rush for Golden Seats in the classroom
The new semester has just started. Lots of teachers have been getting calls from parents – parents say “My kid cannot concentrate, can he be seated in the middle of the classroom location? ""My daughter has myopia; I want her to sit in the middle." "My son got squint a little; can you arrange him to a middle seat?"