
   Blow off steam:发泄情绪

  He went to the party to blow off steam after failing the exam.
  Boiling point:怒点(让人愤怒的最后一个时刻)
  My boiling point is singing, so don't sing unless you want a black eye.
  Chew someone out:愤怒责骂
  I chewed him out when he said he wouldn't come to the party.
  Fly off the handle:愤怒
  I'm sorry I accidentally spilled you drink, but there's no need to fly off the handle.
  Give someone a hard time:很受难为
  Indeed he would have a very hard time to give an explanation and make his apologies.
  Give someone a piece of one's mind:责骂某人
  I'll give him a piece of my mind if he is rude to you next time.
  Go bananas:发疯
  The children will go bananas when they see the cute little puppy.
  Hot under the collar:发疯
  Your nagging is making me hot under the collar.
  Lose one's cool: 沉不住气
  Don't lose your cool, man. You're a gentleman, remember?