英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0913 - 支付宝免费时代结束了?(在线收听

 Topic 1-Alipay to Charge Service Fee from Oct 2016

Alipay, China's biggest third-party online payment service own by Alibaba Group, has announced it will start charging a service fee for transferring more than 20,000 Yuan ($3,000) to bank accounts.
This move on the heels of Wechat Wallet which have done the same since this March will affect users in multiple ways. What is the money saving tactics?
Topic 2-Bike-Share Schemes Test Ethics of Beijing and Shanghai
The latest bike-sharing program called Mobike in Beijing and Shanghai starts from a smartphone app.
The user scans a QR code for a ride on publicly available bikes, it's cheap, convenient and green. But not everyone is cycling according to the rules.
Topic 3-Majority Disagree Their Parents in Saying "I Did This for Your Own Good"
When parents try to get their point across to kids, they often blurt out this line "it is for your own good".
Most respondents to a new survey say they hate it when parents say this. What's more, most respondents say their parents' approach in family education have casted a negative effect on their psychological wellbeing. Why is that? 