背诵为王 第 四 册 第 59 课(在线收听

Lesson59 Down with School!
   School is an institution built on the axiom that learning is the result ofteaching. And institutional wisdom continues to accept this axiom, despiteoverwhelming evidence to the contrary.
  Most learning happens casually, and even most intentional learning is notthe result of programmed instruction. Normal children learn their firstlanguage casually, although faster if their parents pay attention to them.
  Most people who learn a second language well do so as a result of oddcircumstances and not of sequential teaching. They go to live with theirgrandparents, they travel, or they fall in love with a foreigner. Fluency inreading is also more often than not a result of such extra-curricularactivities. Most people read widely, and with pleasure out of school.
  Everyone learns how to live outside school. We learn to speak, to think, tolove, to feel, to play, to curse, to politick and to work withoutinterference from a teacher. Even children who are under a teacher's careday and night are no exception to the rule. Orphans, idiots andschoolteachers' sons learn most of what they learn outside the "educational"process planned for them. Teachers have made a poor showing in their attemptat increasing learning among the poor. Poor parents who want their childrento go to school are less concerned about what they will learn than about thecertificate and money they will earn. And middle-class parents entrust theirchildren to a teacher's care to keep them from learning what the poor learnon the streets. Increasingly, educational research demonstrates thatchildren learn most of what teachers pretend to teach them from peer groups,from comics, from chance observations, and above all from mere participationin the ritual of school.

axiom 原理, 原则
orphan 孤儿
peer group 同年龄组,同年龄群体

