英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0927 - 上海米其林餐厅你会去吗?(在线收听

Topic 1-Non-essential Function Removed from Beijing
Liyuan dog market was one of the largest dog markets in Beijing. But now, in response with a governmental initiative of moving non-core city functions out of the capital, large scale dog markets no longer exist in city borders.
As part of the initiative, Beijing Zoo clothing wholesale market, university campus, and medical care institutions have already been shifted out of the city.
Topic 2-Market Report: Beauty Consumption in China
What kind of quality can get you ahead in the work place? A survey found that women in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangdong believe that talent and hardwork can take you far, while female office workers in Heilongjiang, Jiangsu, Liaoning and Zhejiang province seem to believe a beautiful face helps a lot in their career.
Topic 3-The Michelin Guide Shanghai Stirs Debate
Food lovers often toss around the term "Michelin-starred restaurants" casually with a certain level of arrogance. The power of the dining guide compiled by French tire manufacturer Michelin can't be undervalued. Michelin food guide has launched its first edition on the Chinese mainland earlier this month. A total of 26 restaurants in Shanghai have been rated with stars by The Michelin Guide Shanghai. However, it also comes with heated debate.    