美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2016-9-13(在线收听


This is AP news minute.

1. Hillary Clinton abruptly left Sunday’s 911 anniversary ceremony in New York after feeling over-heated according to her campaign. She retreated to her daughter’s apartment nearby. Clinton walked out of the apartment on her own shortly before noon, saying “I am feeling great.”

2. Relatives and loved ones of the 911 victims convened on Sunday to mark the 15th anniversary of the terror attack. Ceremonies were held on ground zero, the flight 93 national memorial in Shanksville Pennsylvania and Pentagon where president Obama spoke.

3. German authorities said that two crew members of a river cruise ship were killed after the vessel struck a rail bridge, crashing the wheel house. Passengers remained on the board for hours until rescue workers were able to reach them.

4. Pilgrims braved the scorching temperature to climb Mount Arafat on Sunday, the pinnacle of the five days hash pilgrimage. All Muslims are required to participate in the pilgrimage at least once in their lifetime.

RVanessa Alvarez, the Associated Press, with AP News Minute.
