
The Fall is an unusual memoir in which Diogo tells his family's story through 424 short texts. These match the exact number of steps Tito has walked in one go with great difficulty, with his father, around Brazil and Venice. Diogo writes eloquently about his love for his son, but also about his passion for Venice for art, architecture, ideas and the very curious way in which Tito's life has been shaped by the world around them. 
《The Fall》是本不同寻常的回忆录,迪奥戈用424篇短文讲述了他家庭的故事。这数字正好和提托费尽艰辛,与父亲一起在巴西和威尼斯一口气能走的步数相同。迪奥戈用富有表现力的语言描述他对儿子的爱,以及他对威尼斯、对艺术、建筑、思想的酷爱,还有周围世界对提托的生活产生影响的奇妙方式。