【英音模仿秀】热刺主帅舍伍德下课 新帅待定(在线收听

模仿文本: Tottenham are looking for a new manager having sacked Tim Sherwood. He replaced André Villas Boas in December, but that 18-month deal contained a break clause which the chairman Daniel Levy has decided to exercise after the team finished sixth in this season's Premier League. Tottenham's goalkeeper Brad Friedel said Sherwood should be proud of what he achieved in a short space of time. 
译文:热刺(Tottenham)主帅舍伍德(Tottenham)遭解雇,热刺正在寻找新主帅。去年十二月舍伍德替代博阿斯(André Villas Boas)上阵,本来合同签订为十八个月,但其中也包含一条终止条款,而主席丹尼尔(Daniel Levy)想在英超赛季结束后,合同期仅为六个月时就提前终止条款。热刺守门员布拉德弗里德(Brad Friedel)尔认为,舍伍德应当为自己在如此短时间内就取得的成就感到骄傲。