
模仿文本: The annual BBC Food and Farming Awards, an event that brings together a dazzling collection of food producers, farmers, market traders and street food vendors. School cooks rub shoulders with Jamie Oliver, food campaigners and drinks producers with Mary Berry or Raymond Blanc, altogether to celebrate the best of British food.
译文:一年一度的BBC食品与农业奖上,聚集了令人眼花缭乱的食品生产商、农场主、商贩以及街边摊老板。厨师学徒们同Jamie Oliver(译者注:知名英国厨师)交流着,另一边,美食作家们和饮料商们则围着Mary Berry(译者注:知名英国美食作家)和Raymond Blanc(译者注:英国著名大厨,其经营的餐馆获米其林二星和9/10的《美食指南》评分),大家聚在布里斯托的圣乔治大厅一起来展示最棒的英(你)国(在)美(逗)食(我)。