
We begin with a look at the latest international response to the brutal violence in the Central African Republic. The United Nations Security Council has voted to approve a new 12,000 strong peacekeeping force in the country. African Union and French troops are already there but they've struggled to restore order. Thousands of people have been killed in the past year. 
译文:  首先我们来看一下国际上对于中非共和国发生的残忍暴力事件的最新回应。联合国安理会已经投票批准再向中非共和国遣送训练有素的维和部队士兵12000人。非洲联盟以及法国的军队已经驻足于此。不过他们正为恢复秩序忙得焦头烂额。去年已有成千上万的人被杀。