
❤ 模仿文本:Now, a museum curator in Sweden is worried that some sounds may be dying out - sounds, for example, like the click and clack of an old computer keyboard, or the rumble of a printing press. So Torsten Nilsson has organised a collaboration with museums in six other European countries to record such sounds before they disappear entirely. He plans to make them available online so we can all hear them. He told me why the sounds are so important.
❤ 译文:目前,瑞典一家博物馆的馆长很担心一些声音会绝迹——比如老式计算机键盘的噼噼啪啪声,还有印刷机的隆隆声。于是在这些声音彻底消失之前,托斯坦·尼尔森就和另外六个欧洲国家的博物馆合作来记录下它们。他计划让我们能够在线听到这些声音。他告诉我为什么这些声音如此重要。