

  答案是“YES”!我们来用事实说话。我们随机挑选口语第一和第三部分都会出现的一类问题:What’s the most popular sport in your country? 毫不避讳地说,有太多考生,甚至包括正在备考中的你,都给出了类似于下面的答案: “Well, the most popular sport in China is basketball, because people can develop their fitness and make a lot of friends when playing basketball.”
  OK, 首先,请问你这样说的依据是…?请大家先问自己这几个问题:1. 我给的答案结果是自己认为的还是通过调查来的?2. 这个答案适用于全国范围吗?有限制条件吗?比如说男女?老少?如果你的答案是自认为的,并且不适用于全国范围,那么你的答案听起来就是逻辑性低、思维局限、目光短浅。因为这个问题需要我们合乎逻辑并且全面地分析和回答。所以我们文章一开始所做的结论就一点也不为过了。
  其次,上述回答还反应了一个中国考生典型的缺点---答案太笼统。缺乏细节是我们最常提的一点。上面的答案中,貌似是回答了一个原因来阐述这个现象,但其实“people can develop their fitness”这样的表达放在哪个题哪个运动都可以不是吗?为什么就能解释篮球最受欢迎了呢?
  Well, I think it varies. It depends on age and gender of Chinese people we are talking about here. If it is for young girls, I would say they are more in favor of some mild and soft sports like yoga. But if it is for young guys, I guess playing basketball and football is the most popular choice. Now, if we are talking about the elders, I believe the most preferred sport among males is gate ball as I see in many public parks while the most popular one among females would definitely be line-dancing.
  我们来分析一下这个答案。首先“it varies”表示情况是不一样的。然后接着表示这个题可以根据年龄和性别来分情况讨论。再之后就分四种情况进行回答。这样的答案,我们听起来,才不会认为这个考生是信口开河,不思考,无逻辑。当然,这个答案并没有给出一些具体的原因,所以就给考官留了个把话题接下去的机会。
  就刚刚前面提到的“people can develop their fitness”这样的表达,通用但不具体。如果想要符合考官的要求,我们需要把讨论的体育运动以及其影响具体化。比如swimming可以develops and strengthens the muscles surrounding the knees without impact; biking可以develops strength, balance, and overall fitness; running可以strengthens the heart, lungs, and lower-body muscles and bones以及helps burn up calories。这些都是能具体体现不同运动的好处的。而这样的回答才是有效的,有用的。
  我们再用另一道题目来分析。在口语的第三部分,经常有需要我们对比的题目,比如“What’s the difference on shopping habits between men and women?” 往往在回答这类题目时,考生们只会大致分析男女的区别,比如从喜好上。但是给人的感觉就是不真实,不具体。所以,我们给出了这样的答案:”Well, I have to say that there are many differences of shopping habits comparing men and women. Men tend to rush into the store, grab what they need and leave straight away. They seem immune to the eye-dazzling goods; however, in contrast to men, women are more likely to be shopping freaks, buying things on impulse. Take me for example, every time I’m shopping in stores, I will definitely buy a lot that I apparently don't need at the moment. I’ve got a whole lot of things that I bought on impulse. But I’ve never seen my boyfriend being like this. So I guess that's the most apparent difference between men and women.”
  首先,这个答案中把男人购物时的动作都做了具体描述。比如“rush into the store, grab what they need and leave straight away”, 冲进店里,拿起来需要的东西直接就走。非常生动,有代入感。并且值得强调的一点是,在大致分析完题目之后,回答者加了自己的经历,使得答案听起来更具象,更生动,更有说服力。这样的答案才是考官乐意听到的答案,而非空洞不接地气的答案。