雅思口语part1全解析-- Weather and season(在线收听

   雅思口语part1往往被同学们认为是雅思口语三部分中较容易的部分。实际的确如此,part1 的难度最低,话题贴近生活,在这一答题过程中更易于同学们进入口语对话状态。但对于英文基础较差的同学,雅思口语part1部分虽然简单但依旧会暴露出语法,用词等不足。今天新东方网雅思小编为大家整理雅思口语part1 中常见的题目和答题方法。希望同学们有所学习。

  Weather and season
  Light rain 小雨
  Rain shower 阵雨
  Heavy rain 大雨
  Rain storm 暴风雨
  Torrential rain 倾盆大雨
  Rain fall 雨量
  Artificial rain 人工降雨
  Acid rain 酸雨
  Coastal areas 沿海地区
  Rain的好处:It washes away dirt and impurities.
  Rain irrigates our crops.
  It moisturizes our skin.
  Give rise to 引起
  Drought of the crops and land 庄稼和大地的干旱
  Cause flood 引发洪水
  Release the drought 缓解干旱
  Spring: warm, windy, dusty, sand-storm, flowers blossoming
  Summer: Hot, rainy, wet (lots of rain), stormy, humid, sunny, stuffy, sweltering, sauna-like Fall/autumn: Cool, crisp, mild, cosy, clear/azure sky, golden season
  Winter: Cold, freezing, snowy, icy, short days, long nights
  1) Do you like rainy days? Do you think rain is good?
  Yes. I love rain. I like the way it sounds and I like looking at it falling from the sky. (喜欢听雨看雨)
  I love seeing rain drips from the umbrella. (看雨滴从雨伞滑落)
  I love a rainy day where the rain comes down steadily or lightly and soaks into the ground.(看雨水浸湿大地)
  It washes away dirt and impurities. (冲走尘埃和杂质)
  Rain irrigates our crops. (灌溉庄稼)
  No. They make me feel miserable and grumpy. (痛苦暴躁)
  Don’t even get me started. I so dislike rain. Give me sunshine every day.
  2) Is there any part of China where it doesn’t rain much?
  This is a hard question, coz the amount of rainfall varies remarkably according to different places and different seasons. There is a rather clear contrast between the North and the South in general and there is less rainfall in the North and inland areas than in the South and coastal areas. However, when it comes to the seasons, there tend to be the most rain in summer and least in winter.
  3) Do you think the seasons have changed in recent years, compared to the past? Why and how?
  Compared to the past, the seasons do have changed a bit in recent decades. Obviously, the summer season lasts longer than it does when I was a little kid. Plus, the weather during summer is getting much hotter. For example, in Suzhou, the temperature can go up to 40 degrees Celsius. It’s sauna-like and very stuffy. Going outside on a hot weather like this would be a torture to anyone.