这些口语表达更Native 雅思备考看过来!(在线收听


  今天我们就给你带来在雅思口语考试中可以让你的口语表达更像Native speaker的句型和单词表达,并结合相关句型进行联想记忆哦!
  只要每天一点点时间,就能见证英语水平飞速增长!~Education 关于教育
  Be an arduous process某事是一个需要付出艰苦努力的过程
  E.g. Preparing for the university entrance exams is an arduous but also rewarding process. 准备高考是一个艰苦但有回报的过程。
  联想记忆:Be a rewarding process. Lateral thinking发散思维
  e.g. He’s good at lateral thinking and he always solve problems in an unconventional way.
  联想记忆:1. Linear thinking 局限思维,直线型的思维。2. unconventional adj. 不同寻常的,非常规的3. break the mould 打破常规 Read extensively广泛阅读
  e.g. Writing essays will encourage students to read extensively. 写作文能鼓励学生广泛的阅读。
  联想记忆:Cramming 考前突击Reading range 阅读面
  A wholesome diet有益健康的饮食,健全的饮食
  e.g. Some people argue that vegan may have more health issues since they don’t have a wholesome diet.一些人认为严格素食主义者会有更多健康问题,因为他们的饮食习惯并不有益健康。
  联想记忆:Unhealthy diet 不健康的饮食Vegetarian 素食主义者 Have a sweet tooth爱吃甜食(注意,这可不是夸人嘴甜)
  e.g. I have a sweet teeth and I can never say no to cakes.我喜爱吃甜食,无法拒绝蛋糕的诱惑。
  联想记忆:Mouth-watering 让人垂涎欲滴的
  Excessive workload过重的工作量
  e.g. Employees of this company have been complaining about excessive workload.这家公司的员工一直都在抱怨工作量过重。
  联想记忆:Labour intensive 劳动密集型 Subpar income低于标准的/在平均收入标准以下的收入
  e.g. These women are protesting for their subpar income and poor working condition.这些女士为了自己低于标准的收入和恶劣的工作环境而抗议。
  联想记忆:Substandard adj. 低于标准的,不合标准的
  Be down-to-earth务实的
  e.g. Your solution is very down-to-earth, but we need something more creative.你的解决方法非常务实,但是我们需要的是更有创意的方法。
  联想记忆:be arty 风花雪月的,小资情调的 From all walks of life各行各业不同背景的人
  e.g. People from all walks of life can settle down here because our community embraces diversity.各行各业的人都能在我们这儿安家,因为我们是一个欢迎多样性的社区。
  联想记忆:From rags to riches 从贫苦到富有
  Have a yearning for sth.渴望得到某物
  e.g. She was a young artist with a yearning for reputation.她是个渴望名声的年轻艺术家。
  联想记忆:Crave for sth. 渴望某事 Loathe sth.厌恶、憎恶某事(各位同学可以用来替换hate, disgust等,但是要注意loathe表达的含义是最强烈的,如果只是一般的dislike就不要用loathe替换了。)
  e.g. I loathe you and I wish I’ll never see you again.我对你感到厌恶,希望再也不用见到你了。
  联想记忆:Detest sth. /sb. 非常厌恶某事
  Pop-up advertising window弹窗广告
  e.g. I found all these pop-up advertising window very annoying and cannot be blocked.我发现这些弹窗广告很烦而又无法被屏蔽。
  联想记忆:The advertising slot 电视广告时段。 Peak time/ prime time黄金时段
  e.g. Many companies pay more to get their ads played during the prime time.很多公司话大价钱就是为了广告能在黄金时段播放。
  联想记忆:Rating 收视率
  A kindred spirit志趣相投的人
  e.g. We realized we were kindred spirits when we first met.我们第一次见面就发现我们志趣相投。
  联想记忆:Get along with 合得来Be the opposite of… 与…正相反 On the same wavelength相同波段(指思考方式和意见等完全一致)
  e.g. We’re totally on the same wavelength here so we don’t have to waste time on discussing it.我们在这件事上已经完全达成一致了,所以不用再浪费时间讨论了。
  联想记忆:Strongly oppose 强烈反对
  Bumper-to-bumper交通十分拥堵的(bumper 是保险杠,bumper-to-bumper就是车与车的保险杠都挨在一起了,可想而知交通有多么拥挤)
  e.g. Bumper-to-bumper traffic is a major cause of road rage.拥堵的交通是造成路怒的主要原因。
  联想记忆:Volume of traffic 交通量Traffic density 交通密度Jam-packed 拥挤不堪的 Reckless driving不顾后果的驾驶行为,危险驾驶
  e.g. He was found guilty of reckless driving, so his driving licence was cancelled.他被认定为危险驾驶,所以被吊销了驾照。
  联想记忆:Drunk driving 酒后驾车 Free-for-all随心所欲,混乱不堪
  e.g. The traffic became a messy free-for-all due to an accident in the middle of the road.由于路中央发生了一起事故,交通变成了一团乱。
  联想记忆:Well-organized 组织良好的,有序的