
模仿文本:But first, "Idon't care what the international community says at all, everyone will see thepower of the Turkish Republic." Not my words, obviously. Those are ofRecep Tayyip Erdoğan, the Turkish prime minister, a very angry Turkish primeminister. He's so hopping mad about corruption allegations about his governmentappearing on Twitter that he shut it down, or attempted to at least.
译文:首先来看土耳其方面。“我才不管国际社会怎么说,大家就等着看土耳其共和国(政权)有多强大吧。”当然这不是我说的,这是土耳其首相Recep Tayyip Erdoğan怒极而出的一句话。Twitter(译者注:相当于国际版的微博)上有人说他政府的腐败问题,他一气之下就禁了Twitter,至少是试图要禁了Twitter。